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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000184LDMudEfunspublic2004-11-26 21:24
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Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000184: New efun: member_values(): return indices for given mapping values.
DescriptionShort: New efun member_values()
From: Matthew Julius <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 16:29:08 -0500
Type: Feature
State: Unclassified
See also: f-990714-1

mixed *member_values(mapping, closure|mixed, int, mixed...)
  Return the indices of a mapping that have a specific value.
  Second argument is the value to find or the closure to call.
  Third argument is the nth set of values to search in.
  Fourth argument and beyond are the extra arguments to send to the closure.
    mapping map;
    map = ([
      1: "a"; ({ 1, 2 }); 4,
      2: "b"; ({ 2 }); 5,
      3: "c"; ({ }); 12,
    member_values(map, "a") returns ({ 1 })
    member_values(map, 8, 2) returns ({ })
     lambda(({ 'arr }), ({ #'!=, ({ #'member_array, 2, 'arr }), -1 })), 1)
       returns ({ 1, 2 })
    member_values(map, #'|, 2, 4) returns ({ 1, 2, 3 })
    member_values(map, 0) returns ({ })
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-11-26 21:24 lars New Issue