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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000265LDMudEfunspublic2004-11-26 23:17
ReporterlarsAssigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000265: Formatting in terminal_colour()
DescriptionShort: Left, Center, and Flush formatting for terminal_colour()
From: Slava Ignatjev
Date: 2001-10-15
Type: Feature
State: New
See also: f-011016-0

Okay, I suggest to change format of the fun a bit, to the following:

varargs string terminal_colour( string str
                              , null|mapping|closure map
                              , int wrap | string wrap
                              , int indent )

where "int wrap" remains almost the same, except for it begins
to serve right justification.

"string wrap" will serve following:

"n-" <- left justification
"n|" <- centering
"n$" <- flushing
where 'n' is a number of columns

I think, this is not too hard to implement. And is not against current
ideology of the linewrapping in the function.
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related to 0000238 resolvedGnomi LDMud 3.6 Colored string handling 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-11-26 23:17 lars New Issue
2004-11-26 23:18 lars Relationship added related to 0000238