View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000377LDMud 3.3Efunspublic2005-11-24 14:32
Reporterwarp Assigned Tolars 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.3 
Fixed in Version3.3 
Summary0000377: convert_charset: MUD takes 100% CPU time and freezes
DescriptionEvaluating following line:
convert_charset(sprintf("%c%c", 0x2600 >> 8, 0x2600 & 0xff),"utf-16", "utf-8")
will reproducibly completely freeze my MUD (LDMud 3.3.695) and make it take up 100% CPU time.

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2005-04-30 13:43

reporter   ~0000359

results in an immediate error for me.
        convert_charset(): Incomplete character sequence at index 0
for both -683 and 695 with iconv 2.3.4 (`iconvconfig -V`)


2005-05-02 10:27

reporter   ~0000360

Hmm, then it's maybe caused by my iconv (2.2.5 - the current version on debian stable)


2005-05-04 07:06

reporter   ~0000362

indeed, hangs with iconv 2.2.5.
perl -e 'printf("%c%c", 0x2600 >> 8, 0x2600 & 0xff);' | iconv -f 'utf-16' -t 'utf-8' -
gives the same result on both systems.
upgrading your glibc (sarge comes with 2.3.2) is probably the 'best' option
(as it will probably require several hours of debugging glibc vodoo to 'fix' it)

Lars: you might want to add a version check for iconv > 2.2.5


2005-05-13 22:47

reporter   ~0000364

Starting with 3.3.701, the driver checks if the system is using glibc 2.0-2.2 and disables iconv support in that case.

Keep in mind that BSD systems (incl. Mac OS X) use an external libiconv which currently is at version 1.9.1 and doesn't show the endless loop behavior.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-04-01 04:10 warp New Issue
2005-04-30 13:43 fippo Note Added: 0000359
2005-05-02 10:27 warp Note Added: 0000360
2005-05-04 07:06 fippo Note Added: 0000362
2005-05-13 22:47 lars Status new => resolved
2005-05-13 22:47 lars Fixed in Version => 3.3
2005-05-13 22:47 lars Resolution open => fixed
2005-05-13 22:47 lars Assigned To => lars
2005-05-13 22:47 lars Note Added: 0000364
2005-11-24 14:32 lars Status resolved => closed