View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000392LDMud 3.3Efunspublic2005-11-24 14:32
ReporterGnomi Assigned Tolars 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformi686OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Version3.0
Product Version3.3 
Fixed in Version3.3 
Summary0000392: get_type_info could also return the function name of a lfun closure

in the past to_string(lfun_closure) yielded the function name of the closure (and only the function name). Now it is something like "#'some/object#1234->fun() from some/object.c line 50" and may change in the future again. So a possibility to get only the function name would be nice. get_type_info would be a good candidate for such a feature (as the object the closure is bound to can also be obtained using this efun).

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2005-06-19 20:56

reporter   ~0000375

Good idea - implemented in 3.3.708.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-14 12:32 Gnomi New Issue
2005-06-19 20:56 lars Status new => resolved
2005-06-19 20:56 lars Fixed in Version => 3.3
2005-06-19 20:56 lars Resolution open => fixed
2005-06-19 20:56 lars Assigned To => lars
2005-06-19 20:56 lars Note Added: 0000375
2005-11-24 14:32 lars Status resolved => closed