View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000480LDMud 3.2Compilation, Installationpublic2007-10-06 18:58
ReporterCoogan Assigned Tolars 
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version3.2.13 
Fixed in Version3.2.16 
Summary0000480: OPTIMIZE var is not properly created
DescriptionAfter configure, the Makefile contains that line:

The correct line would be:

That the driver build that way will look different from the expected driver, is obvious. The bug didn't happen in 3.2.12-dev.724.
Additional InformationThis affects version 3.2.14 (!), but it's not possible to select this version from the drop-down-menue.
TagsNo tags attached.



2007-10-06 18:58

reporter   ~0000550

I can't reproduce the problem.

Looking at the configure script, the variable used to create the Makefile (val_optimize) is made all-uppercase.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-07-19 16:45 Coogan New Issue
2007-10-06 18:58 lars Status new => resolved
2007-10-06 18:58 lars Fixed in Version => 3.2.16
2007-10-06 18:58 lars Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2007-10-06 18:58 lars Assigned To => lars
2007-10-06 18:58 lars Note Added: 0000550