View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000512LDMud 3.3Efunspublic2018-01-29 21:57
ReporterGnomi Assigned ToGnomi  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformi686OSDebian GNU/LinuxOS Version3.1
Product Version3.3.713 
Fixed in Version3.3.717 
Summary0000512: write_file with flag 1 should not complain if the file doesn't exist

when write_file is instructed to remove the file first an error "Could not remove filename: errno 2." is thrown if the file didn't exist. This makes this feature impractical, because then you have to check whether the file exist and shouldn't pass the flag if it doesn't. But then you could also do a rm() before, it doesn't complain about the non-existence of the file.

So I would suggest not to throw this error if errno == ENOENT.

TagsNo tags attached.



2007-09-02 03:12

administrator   ~0000539

Yes, I fully agree on that, it would be nice to change this behaviour.


2008-07-11 00:35

manager   ~0000722

Done in 3.3.717 (r2383).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-09-01 19:12 Gnomi New Issue
2007-09-02 03:12 zesstra Note Added: 0000539
2008-06-30 03:07 Gnomi Status new => assigned
2008-06-30 03:07 Gnomi Assigned To => Gnomi
2008-07-11 00:35 Gnomi Status assigned => resolved
2008-07-11 00:35 Gnomi Fixed in Version => 3.3.717
2008-07-11 00:35 Gnomi Resolution open => fixed
2008-07-11 00:35 Gnomi Note Added: 0000722
2009-04-14 12:14 zesstra Project LDMud => LDMud 3.3
2010-11-16 09:42 Gnomi Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 74f77c30
2018-01-29 18:59 Gnomi Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 74f77c30
2018-01-29 21:57 Gnomi Source_changeset_attached => ldmud.git master 74f77c30