View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000006LDMud 3.2-devEfunspublic2004-05-17 07:27
ReporterGnomi Assigned Tolars 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000006: Documentation of call_resolved is not correct
DescriptionDocumentation of call_resolved says, that if the target is given as a string (an object name) and this object does not exist then it is not going to be loaded but an error is thrown instead.

But in reality call_resolved behaves just like call_other and loads the object.
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2003-07-28 21:08

reporter   ~0000012

Clarified the manpage: if an object with the given name doesn't exist and also can't be loaded, then an error is thrown.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2003-07-26 15:14 Gnomi New Issue
2003-07-28 21:08 lars Status new => resolved
2003-07-28 21:08 lars Resolution open => fixed
2003-07-28 21:08 lars Assigned To => lars
2003-07-28 21:08 lars Note Added: 0000012
2004-05-17 07:27 lars Status resolved => closed